Nothing says Valentine's Day more than this gadget!

bath hacks, home improvement, home improvement unisex bathroom embarrassing farts masking toilet noise japanese toilet sound Toilet princess Otohime 0 comments

Nothing says "I love you" than giving your partner a Toilet Masking Device like Royal Flushh.
The excitement and love they will feel when they tell their friends, "Guess what I got?"
Hopefully no one WILL guess - no one likes a correct guesser. 
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Why I came up with Royal Flushh

bath hacks, donna burke, embarrassing 0 comments

I'm Donna Burke and I've lived in Japan for nearly 30 years... and the Japanese toilet sound has been with...

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Freedom to let it Fly, Fly Away!

bath hacks, embarrassing, farts 0 comments

There's something to be said for the liberating feeling of letting it fly – you know, having a moment to...

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